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Life & Disability Insurance

Protect Your Future with Life & Disability Insurance

There are many compelling reasons to purchase life and disability insurance, but the primary purpose is to safeguard the financial future of your family, business, or estate.

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Securing Your Future with Life & Disability Insurance

Life and disability insurance are essential when it comes to ensuring you and your family’s financial security. These policies provide critical support, protecting you and your loved ones from unforeseen hardships.

  • Income replacement
  • Debt coverage
  • Financial support for dependants

At Terri Yurek Insurance, we connect families with exceptional insurance solutions – the best in the industry. Contact our life insurance brokers today to learn how we can match your family with trusted providers.

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Who Can Benefit From Life & Disability Insurance?

Family Health Insurance

Your Family

Peace of Mind for Everyone

Life insurance protects your loved ones financially upon your passing, ensuring they can maintain their standard of living. Various options, such as term and whole life insurance, cater to different needs and preferences.

Disability insurance replaces your income if you cannot work due to injury or illness, providing financial stability.

Business Owners Need Insurance For Income Replacement

Your Business

Safeguard Your Income & Future e

Life insurance can benefit your business by securing funds for continuity and succession planning. For example, a business owner can use life insurance to cover key-person insurance, ensuring the company’s stability in case of an unexpected loss.

Similarly, disability insurance protects your business by providing income replacement if you are unable to work.

Why Do You Need Life & Disability Insurance?

Security for Loved Ones

Protect what matters most. Life insurance ensures your loved ones are cared for in the event of your passing, covering expenses such as mortgage payments, education, and daily living.

Peace of Mind

When you have life and disability insurance, you can rest easy knowing you and your family are continually prepared for unexpected financial challenges.

Variety of Coverage Options

Find the plan that meets your needs. There are various coverage options available, from term life to whole life insurance, as well as short-term and long-term disability insurance.

Income Protection & Financial Stability

Disability insurance protects your income by providing financial support if you are unable to work due to illness or injury. You won’t have to worry about financial stability or maintaining your standard of living.

Types of Insurance We Offer

Term or Permanent Life Insurance

Life insurance policies come in two main types: term and permanent. Term life insurance provides coverage for a specific period, while permanent life insurance offers lifelong protection.

Term Life Insurance:

  • Affordable and straightforward
  • Fixed premiums for a set term (e.g., 10, 20, or 30 years)
  • Pays a death benefit if the insured passes away during the term

Permanent Life Insurance:

  • Lifelong coverage with no expiration
  • Builds cash value over time
  • Higher premiums compared to term life insurance

Disability Income Insurance

Disability income insurance provides financial support if you are unable to work due to a disability, ensuring that you continue to receive a portion of your income.

Income Replacement:

  • Provides a percentage of your salary if you are unable to work
  • Helps cover living expenses and bills

Peace of Mind:

  • Ensures financial stability during recovery
  • Protects against loss of income due to illness or injury

Short-term OR Long-term Disability Insurance:

Short and long-term disability insurance policies cater to different needs and durations of coverage, providing essential financial protection.

Short-Term Disability Insurance:

  • Typically provides coverage for a shorter period, such as a few weeks to a few months
  • Generally replaces a higher percentage of your income for a limited period
  • Has a shorter waiting period before benefits start, such as 0-14 days

Long-Term Disability Insurance:

  • Usually provides coverage for a longer duration, and often until retirement age
  • Generally replaces a lower percentage of your income but provides coverage for a longer period
  • Typically has a longer waiting period, often ranging from 90-180 days

How It Works

  • 1. Schedule a Consultation

    • To begin, connect with a Terri Yurek Insurance specialist to discuss your needs and goals. Consultations can be done in person, over the phone, or virtually, ensuring flexibility and convenience for you.
  • 2. Assess Your Needs

    • The Terri Yurek Insurance team will work with you to understand your financial circumstances, family needs, and risk tolerance. This comprehensive assessment helps determine the appropriate amount and type of insurance coverage for your situation.
  • 3. Review Your Policy Options

    • We’ll present various life and disability insurance plans tailored to your specific needs. You’ll have the opportunity to compare the features and benefits of different policies so you can make an informed decision.
  • 4. Complete Your Application

    • Our specialists at Terri Yurek will guide you through the application process, ensuring accuracy and completeness. You can complete the application online, by phone, or on paper, making the process straightforward and hassle-free.
  • 5. Activate Your Policy

    • Once approved, your life and disability insurance policy will be activated, providing immediate financial protection. You’ll receive all necessary documentation and instructions for managing your policy.
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Why Choose Terri Yurek Insurance?

With 20+ years of expertise and experience in life and disability insurance, Terri Yurek Insurance offers personalized service, tailored solutions, and dedicated support. 

Our team is committed to understanding your unique needs and providing the best coverage options to ensure your family’s financial security.

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What Our Customers Are Saying

Stuart Marquette
Stuart Marquette
This company has really helped us in health care insurance, saved us a lot of time. Very attentive to our needs all year and great to work with. Terri and Amanda are wonderful!!
Linda Guest
Linda Guest
Terri knows everything about Medicare and has guided me, my husband and countless friends through the insurance system. She is not only super smart and an excellent communicator, she is a caring compassionate person. She always responds so quickly to my calls every time I need answers. I am very grateful to have found her. Thank you so much for all you do Terri!
Terri helped me through getting Medicare and then through Breast Cancer, she was very thoughtful and helpful, both were very stressful times in my life.
sharon newby
sharon newby
Terri has been my go to person for 10 years. I trust her information which is valuable to me. She has never steered me wrong even though I moved from California to Arizona I have told many friends about how you can count on her to help one through the maze of insurance information. She has always been a golden 5 star agent or better!
Linda Campise
Linda Campise
Terri is very knowledgeable, very friendly, and very helpful in helping us decide what we need. We've been using her for 3-4 years now. Would definitely recommend her.
Bjorn Jensen
Bjorn Jensen
Our Company been and still is in a partnership with Terri Yurek Insurance since December 2012. We can only emphasize that Terri Yurk and Terri's team have had our back every minute and that is what we need. SR
lynda young
lynda young
Been with Terri and her team for years. Both myself and my husband are super happy and trust her with our insurance needs! Very efficient and knowledgeable.
amy robins
amy robins
Terri Yurek insurance is wonderful and so are Terri and staff. Always there for you with an explanation and super quick feedback. We totally depend on Terri!
Chuck Glynn
Chuck Glynn
My wife and I are very happy to provide Terri Yurek a 5 star review for the service and services that she provides. Thanks Terri for the guidance and direction you have shared with us over the years ….. we would give you ten stars if available and we look forward to continue working with you in the future. Respectfully Chuck and Rosanne

Frequently Asked Questions

Life insurance is a contract between an individual and an insurance company, where the insurer promises to pay a designated beneficiary a sum of money upon the death of the insured person. This payment, known as the death benefit, provides financial support to the beneficiaries, helping them cover expenses such as funeral costs, outstanding debts, and daily living expenses.

Life insurance can be essential for those who want to ensure their loved ones are financially protected in the event of their passing. It offers peace of mind by guaranteeing that the policyholder’s family will have the necessary funds to maintain their standard of living and achieve long-term financial goals.

Whole life insurance is a type of permanent life insurance that provides coverage for the entirety of the policyholder’s life, as long as premiums are paid. Whole life insurance policies have a cash value component that grows over time on a tax-deferred basis. Policyholders can access this cash value through policy loans or withdrawals, though doing so may reduce the death benefit. Premiums for whole life insurance are typically fixed and guaranteed not to increase as long as the policy remains in force. This can provide predictability in terms of the cost of coverage.

A whole life insurance policy is a type of permanent life insurance that provides coverage for the insured’s entire lifetime, as long as premiums are paid.

Unlike term life insurance, which only offers coverage for a specific period, whole life insurance also includes a savings component known as the cash value, which grows over time and can be accessed by the policyholder during their lifetime.

Whole life insurance policies typically have higher premiums compared to term life insurance due to the lifelong coverage and the cash value accumulation. The cash value can be borrowed against or withdrawn, providing financial flexibility for the policyholder in times of need.

Universal life insurance is a type of permanent life insurance that combines a death benefit with a savings component. It offers more flexibility compared to whole life insurance as it allows the policyholder to adjust the premium payments and death benefit over time. The savings component typically earns interest at a rate set by the insurance company. Universal life insurance can provide coverage for the entire lifetime of the insured as long as the premiums are paid.

The main difference between the two are:

  1. Duration of Coverage. Short-term disability insurance typically provides coverage for a shorter period, such as a few weeks to a few months. It is designed to provide immediate financial support during the initial phase of a disability. Long-term disability insurance provides coverage for a longer duration, often until retirement age if needed. It kicks in after the shorter-term disability coverage ends.
  2. Benefit Amount. Short-term disability insurance usually replaces a higher percentage of your income (60-70%) for a limited period. Long-term disability insurance generally replaces a lower percentage of your income (50-60%) but provides coverage for a longer period of time.

Waiting Period. Short-term disability may have a shorter waiting period before benefits start, such as 0-14 days after the disability occurs. Long-term disability insurance typically has a longer waiting period, often ranging from 90-180 days before the benefits begin.

Key person disability insurance is a type of insurance policy a business can take out on a key employee to protect the company in case that individual becomes disabled and unable to work. If the key person covered by the policy becomes disabled, the insurance policy provides a financial benefit to the business to help cover expenses related to the loss of that key person’s contributions or to find a suitable replacement. This type of insurance can help mitigate the financial impact of losing a key employee due to disability.

Key person life insurance is a type of insurance policy a business can take out on a key employee or executive to protect the company in case that individual passes aways. If the key person covered by the policy dies, the insurance policy provides a financial benefit to the business to help cover expenses related to the loss of the key person’s contributions or to find a suitable replacement. This type of insurance can help mitigate the financial impact of losing a key employee or executive.

 Short-term disability insurance provides financial protection by replacing a portion of your income if you are temporarily unable to work due to illness, injury, or childbirth. This type of insurance typically covers a period ranging from a few weeks to up to a year, depending on the policy terms.

 The coverage ensures that you can meet your financial obligations, such as paying bills and covering living expenses, while you recover and are unable to work. It helps alleviate the financial stress during a period of temporary disability, allowing you to focus on your recovery.

Typically, going on disability does not cause you to lose your life insurance. Life insurance policies are generally separate from disability insurance, and having a disability does not affect the validity of your life insurance coverage.

 However, it’s essential to continue paying your life insurance premiums to maintain coverage.

Some life insurance policies include waiver of premium riders, which can be particularly beneficial if you become disabled. These riders allow you to waive premium payments during a period of disability, ensuring that your life insurance coverage remains in force without the financial burden of paying premiums while you are unable to work. 

In some cases, yes, disability insurance premiums can be more expensive than life insurance premiums. This is primarily because disability insurance provides income replacement benefits that can last for several years or even until retirement, depending on the policy.

Of course, the cost of disability insurance is influenced by factors such as the policyholder’s occupation, age, health, and the coverage amount.

Life insurance premiums, particularly for term life insurance, are generally lower because they provide a lump sum death benefit rather than ongoing income replacement. Similarly, the cost of life insurance is also affected by the policyholder’s age, health, and the length of the term or the amount of coverage.

In general, if you pay for disability insurance with after-tax dollars (meaning you were not able to take a tax deduction for the premiums), any benefits you received from the policy are typically not considered taxable income.

The term “life insurance” refers to the policy itself, which is a contract between the insured and the insurance company. This contract stipulates that the insurer will pay a designated beneficiary a specified amount of money upon the death of the insured person, in exchange for the regular payment of premiums.

The “death benefit” is the actual payout that the beneficiaries receive upon the death of the insured. It is a critical component of a life insurance policy, providing financial support to cover expenses such as funeral costs, outstanding debts, and ongoing living expenses for the beneficiaries.

In other words, the death benefit ensures that the policyholder’s family or dependents are financially protected during a difficult time.

For self-employed individuals, disability insurance premiums are generally not tax deductible, but any benefits (payments) you receive from a disability insurance claim won’t be taxed like normal income. If you are a shareholder and also an employee, the corporation can deduct the premiums. Business owners may be able to deduct disability insurance premiums on their tax returns under certain conditions; if the disability insurance premiums are paid as a business expense and not part of a pre-tax plan.

Life insurance is tax deductible in some instances. If you are a business owner, you can deduct life insurance premiums you pay on behalf of your employees or corporate officers, as long as the company is not a policy beneficiary.

If anyone depends on you for financial support, you should own a life insurance policy for their protection. Dependents can be classified as children, a spouse, aging parents, or a business partner. Over the course of a policy, the cost of life insurance is much less than the amount of money (the death benefit) your beneficiary would receive if you passed away.

Affordability, Flexibility and Simplicity. Term life insurance is a popular choice for many people due to its low premiums when compared to permanent life insurance policies. You can choose the coverage period that aligns with your needs such as 10, 20, or 30 years. This flexibility lets you match the coverage duration with specific financial obligations, such as paying off a mortgage or funding your children’s education. Term life insurance is easy to understand. You pay premiums for the specified term, and if you pass away during the term, the death benefit is paid out to your beneficiaries.

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